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关键字:车牌识别; Python;OpenCV
Design and Implementation of License Plate Recognition System
Abstract: With the advancement of intelligence, more and more monotonous but heavy workloads have been replaced by computers. Because the license plate as the vehicle's unique identifier in the field of traffic intelligence, license plate recognition technology is the first to play a crucial role. The license plate recognition system uses the high-performance CPU, GPU hardware, computer vision, artificial intelligence and other high technologies to locate the position of the license plate from the image, to extract and recognize the content of the license plate number. The license plate recognition system in this paper includes: image preprocessing, license plate extraction, license plate rectification, character segmentation, character recognition and other modules. This article focuses on the realization of the 7-character with blue-white license plate recognition on the most common cars. In the character segmentation segment, this paper aims at the license plate tilting situation in the picture, carries on the concrete correction optimization, has achieved the good recognition effect.
Key Words: License Plate Recognition; Python; OpenCV


目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的    1
1.2 研究意义    1
1.3 国内外研究现状    1
2 需求分析    2
3 可行性分析    2
3.1 技术可行性    2
3.2 经济可行性    2
3.3 社会可行性    3
4 总体处理流程    3
4.1 车牌识别流程    3
4.2系统功能具体分析    3
4.2.1 图像采集    3
4.2.2图像归一化处理    4
4.2.3车牌定位    4
4.2.4 字符分割    5
4.2.5 字符识别    5
4.4 开发使用的库    6
4.4.1 Python 与 OpenCV    6
4.4.2 Matplotlib与 NumPy    7
5 详细处理操作    7
5.1 图像预处理    7
5.2 车牌定位    8
5.2.1 图像去噪    9
5.2.2 找边缘、二值化    11
5.2.3 闭操作、形态学    13
5.2.4 图像矫正、归一化    15
5.2.5  使用HSV颜色空间筛选    17
5.3 字符分割    19
5.4 字符识别    23
5.4.1训练SVM    23
5.4.2 使用SVM识别    25
6车牌识别系统实现    25
6.1 选择待识别车牌    25
6.2 预处理    26
6.3 车牌定位    27
6.4 字符分割    28
6.5 字符识别    28
7 总结与展望    29
参考文献    29
致谢    30