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关键词:单片机   A/D转换    温度采集    串口通信
Voltage and temperature sampling system based on MCU
It’s the design that voltage and temperature sampling system based on MCU. The system can realize the collection and display of the 8 analog voltage and temperature,and can transfer to computer Through serial port .This system can be divided into two parts:Hardware and software parts. The hardware part includes single chip microcomputer control center, ADC0809 digital conversion chip, DS18B20 temperature sensor, LCD ,LCD buttons and serial communications.The operation of the system is realized by the program.We use ADC0809 converter chip to collect simulation of 8 Rd DC voltage of 0~5V ,and use DS18B20 temperature sensor to collect tenperature,and use LCD to display  that we collect the voltage and temperature information,and use serial assistant to receive the voltage and temperature of our collection through the serial port.After the completion of the circuit and software,we can getthe correct collection of voltage and temperature and display and transmit them.

Keywords: Single chip microcomputer   A/D conversion
Temperature collection      Serial communication


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1课题选择背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.3论文结构说明    2
1.4小结    3
第二章方案选择    4
2.1电压采集方案    4
2.2温度采集方案    4
2.3显示电路方案:    5
2.4小结    5
第三章硬件设计    6
3.1总体系统设计    6
3.2单片机最小系统    7
3.2.1单片机型号选择    7
3.2.2电源电路    7
3.2.3复位电路    7
3.2.4晶振电路    8
3.3电压采集模块设计    9
3.4温度采集模块设计    11
3.5显示模块设计    13
3.6串口模块设计    15
3.7按键模块设计    17
3.8小结    18
第四章软件设计    19
4.1整体软件设计    19
4.2软件模块设计    20
4.2.1延时函数    20
4.2.2电压采集模块设计    20
4.2.3温度采集模块设计    21
4.2.4显示模块设计    23
4.2.5按键扫描模块设计    24
4.2.6串口通信子函数    25
4.3小结    26
第五章调试与结果    27
5.1硬件与软件调试    27
5.1.1温度的采集与显示    27
5.1.2电压的采集与显示    28
5.1.3按键调试    28
5.1.4串口调试    29
5.2实物调试    29
5.3小结    32
总 结    33
参考文献    34