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摘  要
关键词:单片机 单片机计时 单片机计分
Basketball Game Electronic Time Scoring System
Time scoring basketball game is to solve the problem of accuracy of timing and scoring of basketball game.This design use STC89C51 to complete the timing and scoring problem.This paper introduces the design process of hardware and software of the system.The design of each game time is set at 12 minutes,and with the 24S countdown function.Every time the 24S countdown is over,and at the end of each section of the game,and at the and of the match,the buzzer will alarm with different length. Button part of the game began to pause the button,the score of the game change the score of the key and control the number of keys to control the game button.The basketball timing and scoring device can change the game time and match score according to the actual situation.
Key Words:single chip microcomputer;SCM time ;Single chip microcomputer score


目  录
摘  要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2本论文主要任务    2
1.3论文结构安排    3
第二章 篮球比赛计时计分的系统设计    4
2.1系统总体方案的设计    4
2.2系统器件的选择    5
2.2.1 控制模块的选择    5
2.2.2 显示模块的选择    5
2.2.3 计时方式的选择    6
2.2.4 按键模块的选择    6
第三章 篮球比赛计时计分系统的硬件系统实现    7
3.1单片机最小系统    7
3.2按键电路    8
3.3显示电路    9
3.4 报警电路    10
3.5相关芯片介绍    11
3.5.1 STC89C51单片机介绍    11
3.5.2 LCD1602芯片介绍    13
第四章 软件设计    16
4.1主程序设计    16
4.2 按键检测    17
4.3初始化程序    18
4.4总的程序流程图    19
第五章 系统调试    20
5.1硬件调试    20
5.2 软件调试    23
5.2.1 LCD液晶屏上内容的显示    23
5.2.2 报警电路准确发出报警    24
第六章 论文总结    25
6.1论文总结    25
6.2下一步工作    25
致谢    28