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摘      要


With the rapid development of economy, every industry demand more and more electric power,but  physical distribution management is very backward in power supply company,the collusion has made purchasing cost remains high,this leads to the falling profits.in the paper,through condition and problem of logistics and distribution analysis and research , presented solution to integrated logistics managernent. The solution combines workflow, 3D virtual reality technology, data warehouse, GIS, data mining, and many other advanced technologies , integrating the six modules that includes: materials redeployment management, the complaint processing management, emergency management, digital sand table, 3D virtual reality,3D warehouse simulation, automatic vehicle location and monitor.the system provides decision support, information support, allocation and management for materials redeployment,the system reduce production cost and enhance the information level of management.

KEY WORDS: materials redeployment, Integrated Platform, Power supply company

目   录
摘      要    I
第1章 引  言    1
1.1   研究背景    1
1.2  国内外研究动态    2
1.2.1国外研究动态    3
1.2.2 国内研究动态    3
1.3  论文内容    3
第2章    相关概念及技术    4
2.1 电力物资管理发展现状    4
2.2  一体化大物流    6
2.3 相关技术    6
2.3.1 GIS技术    6
第3章    系统设计    8
3.1设计目标    8
3.2 建设原则    8
3.3 系统架构    9
3.4 系统功能    10
3.4.1 物资调拨管理    11
3.4.2应急指挥管理    11
3.4.3 投诉业务管理    12
3.4.4 数字沙盘    13
3.4.5 三维仓库仿真    15
3.4.6物资车辆定位监控    16
3.4.7 与其他系统的接口    18
3.5 系统环境    18
3.5.1 系统环境    18
第4章    系统实现    19
4.1 数字沙盘    19
4.1.1仓库位置分布    19
4.1.2 仓储信息分布    22
4.1.3 仓库信息查询管理    22
4.1.4 变电站位置对比管理    23
4.1.5 电子沙盘展示    23
第5章    结论    23
参 考 文 献    25
致       谢………27