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摘    要

关键词:顶层设计  卫视品牌  浙江卫视  中国蓝

This paper is titled as" Discussion about The Effects of Top Layer Design on the Brand Building Strategy in the Provincial Satellite TV" , focusing on the Zhejiang satellite TV "China blue" brand construction in practice, reflecting the "top design" concept, having the actual effect and the problems, Through the analysis of the background and the present situation, we acknowledge its achievements , in the meantime, we also discovered the problems and the insufficiency, so putting forward the reasonable countermeasures and suggestions under the "top design" concept. Through the "top-level design" concept to overcome the insufficient in the "China blue" brand construction .As a typical example of successful domestic provincial satellite TV brand building, in the present situation of provincial satellite TV brand building strategy being just unfolding and many problems under the "top design", in the view of summarizing the gain and loss of Zhejiang satellite TV "China blue" brand building strategy, it will have the advanced reference meaning to the channel brand management of TV industry in china.

Key words: Top layer design  The brand of provincial satellite TV  Zhejiang satellite TV  China blue 

目    录
引    言    1
一、省级卫视战略品牌建设现状与“中国蓝”的定位    1
(一)省级卫视战略品牌建设现状    1
(二)浙江卫视“中国蓝”战略品牌的定位    3
二、浙江卫视“中国蓝”战略品牌建设的成效与不足    3
(一)“中国蓝”战略品牌建设的成效    3
(二)浙江卫视品牌建设中存在的问题    5
三、对浙江卫视“中国蓝”战略品牌建设的建议    6
(一)以“顶层设计”理念克服“中国蓝”品牌建设中的不足    6
(二)“中国蓝”品牌建设经验对省级卫视的借鉴意义    8
结    论    9
参考文献    10