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摘要:近几年来,港口经历了深刻的演变,这是由多种因素引起的,例如:(A)航运、货物装卸和储存设备方面的技术发展,以及信息和通信系统;(B)不断变化的国际贸易模式;(C)全球供应链日益复杂;(D)港口管理模式的变化欧洲私有化进程。港口功能日益庞大和复杂,引发了一场关于社会、经济和环境的更有趣和更有用的科学辩论。这些转变的精神影响,更具体地说,对港口和城市之间的关系。为此目的,本文件阐述了在第比利斯会议上新出现的管理观点。论港务局的制作过程:网络。这一观点使人们能够理解关系网络的性质,从而形成港口的竞争与合作动态,并确定 港务局在界定其领土内港口可持续发展方面的积极作用的界限。
Sustainable Development Strategies of the Port Authority: The Network Approach
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Port Authority, Relationship Network.
Abstract. Recent years have witnessed a profound evolution of ports, induced by a wide range of factors, such as: (a) technological developments in shipping, cargo-handling and storage equipment, and information and communication systems; (b) changing patterns of international trade; (c) a broadening complexity of global supply chains; and (d) a changing governance models of the port as a consequence of the process of privatization in Europe. The growing size and complexity of port functions have inspired an ever more interesting and useful scientific debates on the social, economic and environmental effects of these transformations, and, more specifically, on the relationship between the port and the city. The paper addresses, to this end, an emerging managerial perspective in the decision making process of Port Authority: the network. This perspective allows to understand the nature of relationship networks shaping the competitive and cooperative dynamics of the port and to identify the boundaries for an active role of the Port Authority in defining the sustainable development of port within its own territory.