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摘  要
关键词: 一氧化碳报警器 气体传感器 单片机
Production of Carbon Monoxide Alarm
     With the national economy has entered the fast lane, China's gas sector showing a strong momentum of development.However, because of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gas leaks, there are many examples across the country each year.To enable the gas to better benefit of the people,to reduce and eliminate those accidents because of carbon monoxide leakage caused by carbon monoxide alarm was indeed urgent needs of current human society.Therefore, the study of CO gas detection methods and the development of CO alarms have become the subject of a certain practical significance.
     Because the microcontroller-based design of hardware systems, with higher dexterity and wider applications.Thus the design of single-chip as the main controller,combined with air can be detected in the carbon monoxide gas sensor to design a carbon monoxide alarm.In this paper, a carbon monoxide alarm in the main module is divided into the main control module, sensor module,audible alarm, LCD display and A / D conversion module.Alarm sensor module MQ-7 sensor, master control module using AT89S51 chip, the clock module from an external circuit with crystal composition, the display module is used LCD1602, alarm module is active LED and buzzer;And programming of each module to achieve the environment of carbon monoxide detection and alarm.
     The design, successfully completed the production of CO alarms, can show the CO concentration in the environment on the LCD screen.When the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air exceeds a preset threshold, the alarm sound and light alarm function can be achieved at the same time start the relay,the relay drive fan rotation to simulate ventilation.
     Key Words: Co Alarm;Gas Sensor;Single-chip


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1  系统设计背景    1
1.2  一氧化碳报警器概述    1
1.3  一氧化碳报警器的研究现状    1
1.4 本文的主要工作和安排    2
第二章  基于单片机的一氧化碳报警器的总体方案    4
2.1  设计要求    4
2.2  设计思路    4
2.3 总体设计方案    4
2.3.1工作原理    4
2.3.2一氧化碳报警器的功能    5
第三章  硬件电路设计    6
3.1一氧化碳报警器的硬件电路总体结构    6
3.2 单片机主控模块    6
3.2.1单片机的选择    6
3.2.2 AT89S51单片机的特点    7
3.2.3 AT89S51单片机的管脚    8
3.2.4 主控模块电路设计    8
3.3 一氧化碳传感器模块    9
3.3.1传感器的定义和作用    9
3.3.2传感器的分类    9
3.3.3 MQ-7型半导体气体传感器的结构和工作原理    10
3.3.4 传感器模块电路设计    11
3.4 A/D转换模块    12
3.4.1 A/D转换的元件选择    12
3.4.2 ADC0809工作原理、管脚和特点    12
3.4.3 A/D转换电路设计    13
3.5 液晶显示模块    13
3.5.1显示模块的元件选择    13
3.5.2 LCD1602的功能及引脚说明    14
3.5.3 LCD1602的指令说明及时序    14
3.6 声光报警模块    17
3.6.1 工作原理    17
3.6.2 声光报警模块电路设计    17
3.7 按键模块    17
第四章  软件设计    19
4.1 软件设计要求及开发环境    19
4.1.1 设计要求    19
4.1.2 开发环境    19
4.2 各模块的程序设计    19
4.2.1 主控模块的程序设计    19
4.2.2 传感模块的程序设计    20
4.2.3 一氧化碳浓度显示部分程序设计    21
4.2.4 A/D转换模块的程序设计    22
4.2.5 报警模块函数    23
4.2.6 按键模块函数    24
第五章 系统调试与结果    26
5.1    硬件电路的焊接    26
5.2 单片机的程序下载    26
5.3 一氧化碳报警器的调试    27
5.4 一氧化碳报警器的功能测试    28
第六章 总结与展望    31
6.1  总结    31
6.2  展望    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35