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摘  要

The water supply system use the partition to supply water, with one DN80 introduction pipe to connect the fire water and living tank. An DN70 introduction pipe supply the first or second floor underground to the third floor on the ground. The floor from 4th to 11th using the frequency pump pressurized water supply. The underground fire pool established by reinforced-concrete structure, next to the underground pumping station, which the volume is 434.88 cubic meters. Whether inside or outside the building all use the dirty and polluted water combination, after the septic tank it was discharged to the municipal sewers. The drain riser use the special vent riser. The basement drain water from the gutter concentrated to the sump, improved to the inspection well through submersible sewage pump. As for emission outside the building, using the gravity semi-pressurized flow system. The water entered to the rain water pipe after collected by roof water bucket, discharging in municipal storm sewer through water wells.
According to the specification, this building is the second class high-rise building, the water consumption of outside fire hydrant is 30L/s, while the one indoor is 20L/s. The fire duration lasts 2 hours. The height of hydrant enrich the water column is 13m, the hose is 20 meters long, the flow of water gun nozzle is about 1.33L/s, the diameter of fire riser is DN100. Establishing a test fire hydrant at the top floor of building, every single indoor fire hydrant box all includes a button, which could remote start the fire pump.
This automatic sprinkler systems project consists of two parts. This building use wet automatic sprinkler system, the design flow rate of sprinkler system is 19.95L/s. The alarm valve was set in underground pumping station, the flow indicator, signal valve and end water test device were set in every single floor. Its signal were sent into fire control center for analyzing. Choose fire booster regulator device. The roof tank could storage the water consumption of 10 minutes at the early time of fire automatic sprinkler systems and indoor hydrant system. The water for initial fire extinguishing supplied by tanks, while the basement fire pumps and spray pumps supply the water for late stage fire extinguishing.
Key words: Water supply system; Drainage system; Fire hydrant system; Automatic sprinkler systems; Rainwater system
建筑生活给水系统由下列部分组成:引入管,接户管,水表节点,入户管,管道系统,给水附件,升压和贮水设备。其中管道系统由干管、立管、支管组成。给水附件指给水管路上装设的各种水龙头及相应的闸阀、止回阀等。升压和贮水设备指水泵、水箱、气压装置、水池等升压和贮水设备。选变频泵型号:ISL65-40-250B一用一备,流量为20.8 ,扬程为55.7m,转速为2900r/min,配套电机为Y132S2—2,单泵电机功率为7.5KW,配套控制柜,具体安装尺寸由厂家提供。


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一篇章  设计说明书    1
第一章  给水系统    1
1.1给水供应系统方案选择    1
1.1.1方案比较和选择    1
1.1.2方案选择依据    2
1.2给水系统组成    3
1.3给水管道的布置与敷设    3
第二章  室内外消防系统    5
2.1室内消火栓系统    5
2.1.1室内消火栓系统的选择    5
2.1.2系统组成    6
2.1.3设备及构筑物    6
2.1.4消火栓的安装    6
2.2自动喷淋系统    6
2.2.1室内自动喷水灭火系统的选择    6
2.2.2系统组成    7
2.2.3喷头的选择与布置    7
2.2.4设备及构筑物    8
2.2.5喷淋系统的安装    8
第三章  室内排水系统    9
3.1排水系统选择    9
3.2 排水系统的组成    9
3.3主要设备及构筑物    9
3.4排水管道安装要求    10
第四章  室内雨水系统    11
4.1雨水排水系统的选择    11
4.2雨水排水系统的组成    11
4.3雨水管道的敷设与布置    11
第二篇章  设计计算书    12
第一章给水系统计算    12
1.1用水定额及用水量    12
1.2给水方式    13
1.3设计秒流量的确定    13
1.3.1设计依据    13
1.4生活给水系统水力计算    14
1.4.1 低区给水系统水力计算    15
1.4.2高区给水系统水力计算    33
1.5水表的选择    39
1.5.1总水表的选择    40
1.6低区市政直供校核    41
1.7高区供水设备选型    41
1.7.1高区给水系统所需压力    41
1.7.2高区增压设备    42
1.7.3减压阀的设置    42
第二章  室内消火栓给水系统的计算    44
2.1消防水池    44
2.1.1消防水池的设置    44
2.1.2体积计算    44
2.2屋顶消防水箱    45
2.3消火栓保护半径    46
2.4消火栓布置间距    46
2.5消火栓的确定    47
2.6消火栓的水力计算    47
2.7水泵接合器选定    50
2.8消火栓减压计算    50
第三章  自动喷水灭火系统计算    51
3.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据    51
3.2管道与报警阀布置    51
3.3喷头的选用与布置    51
3.4系统的设计流量    51
3.5水力计算(作用面积法)    52
3.6增压及贮水设备    55
3.6.1选泵    55
3.6.2消防水池、消防水箱及稳压设备    55
3.7水泵接合器    56
3.8喷淋减压孔板计算    56
第四章  室内排水系统计算    59
4.1排水体制及排水方式    59
4.2排水系统水力计算    59
4.2.1排水横支管水力计算    59
4.3立管计算    72
4.3.1十一层排水立管计算    72
4.3.2四层至十层转换排水立管计算    74
4.4排出管计算    77
4.5 埋地干管计算    78
4.6集水坑及提升泵计算选型    79
4.6.1地下泵房集水坑计算    79
4.6.2地下二层男浴室集水坑计算    79
4.6.3地下二层厨房集水坑计算    80
第五章  雨水排水系统计算    81
5.1屋面雨水排水方式    81
5.2降雨强度    81
5.3汇水面积    81
5.4设计秒流量    82
5.4.1屋顶各立管的汇水面积    82
5.4.2屋顶各立管的雨水设计秒流量    82
5.4.3裙房楼顶各立管的汇水面积    83
5.4.4裙房楼顶各立管的雨水设计秒流量    83
5.5雨水斗选用    84
5.6连接管选用    85
5.7溢流口排水量    85
5.8立管选用    85
5 .9排出管计算    86
5 .10埋地干管计算    87
参考文献    89
致  谢    90